Promotions Assistant

Position Description:  Promoting events & campaigns

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:  Set up and take down promotional displays, registration and payment for events or campaigns, etc. Must have written and in-person communication skills for tasks such as staffing an information table, writing thank you letters, delivering promotional materials, etc.

Expectations:  Honor your time commitments, follow safety guidelines, and be courteous and polite.

Requirements:  Knowledge of the Cowichan Sportsplex event or campaign being promoted as well as the Sportsplex vision, mission, and values.

Time Commitment:  4 hours per month, or less.

Dress Code:  Office casual.

Precautions:  Safety precautions – Dress for the weather and be aware of personal safety when dealing with the public.


Interested in volunteering? Email or call 250-746-5666.

Cowichan Sportsplex

Cowichan Sportsplex

Make sure to check out our social media pages for updates on our projects!

To book a field at the Cowichan Sportsplex please email rentals@cowichansportsplex or visit the booking page under the “Play” tab.



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